Difference between Literature and History

Difference between Literature and History: A short view on What a Literature can be -JS.N (10/03/2019) Literature is creative and history is merely a factual. Most of historical writing thus tend to be half history. Either conscious neglect will be there or exageration. So creativity comes in. Justifying foregrounding needs creative portrayal. Lot of selection goes in to writing history. What data to include, what to foreground, what is the motto behind writing that history are all the factors that rest with the author. Both the subjects are inter-related in the sense that literature deals with the past, as in stream of consiousness, counter factual imaginations, memoires, travelogues, biography... And any day we will prefer reading an interesting history book than a collection of facts. So writing style and diction does play a role. For that matter, any written script can be literature. Your grocery bill can tell me your culinary preferance, your financial statu...