List of famous Sonnet Sequences in English Literature

Sonnet Sequences in English Literature - JS.N (19/03/2024) " Astrophil and Stella, 108 " by Sir Philip Sidney (1591, Elizabethan period) " Delia, 50 " by Samuel Daniel (1592, Elizabethan period) " Amoretti, 89 " by Edmund Spenser (1595, Elizabethan period) " Idea, " by Michael Drayton (1594, Elizabethan period) " Diana " by Henry Constable (1594, Elizabethan period) " Holy Sonnets, 19 " by John Donne (1635-9, Jacobean period) " Emblems of Love " by Francis Quarles (1635, Jacobean period) " Cynthia, with Certain Sonnets " by Richard Barnfield (1595, Elizabethan period) " Fidessa " by William Drummond (1616, Jacobean period) " The Forest of Love " by Thomas Watson (1570, Elizabethan period) " The Shepherd's Pipe " by Nicholas Breton (1595, Elizabethan period) " The House of Life, 101 " by Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1881, Victorian period) " Monna Innominata, 14 ...